
The 2011 Hunters' Banquet will be held on Saturday January 29th, 2011

Click here for details.

Hillview Management will be foregoing the Big Doe contest in 2010 due, in part, to the changing DNR regulations that include expansion of Zone 241 and a reduction in antlerless deer tags. We look forward to continued success by hunting according to our group’s principles: (1) let the small bucks go in order to increase the number of trophy bucks, and (2) shoot the mature does to encourage reduced predation on crops. In lieu of the Big Doe contest, Hillview Management has invested in this new website, giving everyone the ability to share and view photos online. Send your photos to

In the News

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I think what you are doing is great, I would like to try and do this in my area, how did you get landowners to cooperate and work together?  I have been practicing QDM for years, but can't get the neighbors to stop shooting little bucks!

A: Our advice to you is to start small, stay positive, be patient with your neighbors and don’t get discouraged. Work with the neighbors who are interested in quality deer management and nurture the relationships you have with them. Share with them what you see on our website and show them the quality of deer we are harvesting.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Q: Some friends and I have just purchased some land.  We have started managing our land to produce better quality deer but we have the problem of having too much timber and not enough crops.  So, we have started clearcutting for food plots.  What food is the most important food source to start off providing for the deer?  Not alot of crops are nearby.

A: The Hillview Management area is an area with a pretty good balance of timber and crops. We have (with the help of the local DNR office) done some balanced logging and clearcutting. This has in turn helped the new growth in the area and has given the animals a better wintering environment and cover. The crops that are planted in the area are corn, soybeans and alfalfa. We have not done any specialty planting. Good luck to you and thanks for checking out the website.

Q: How big are the bucks on Hillview Management land?

A: We have not gotten the bucks officially measured, but many of these bucks are mature 8 pts and/or cull bucks. We have had a number of bucks over the past few years unofficially score in the 140's to 150's. In the Hillview Management area we have found sheds that would possibly have qualified as Boone & Crocket bucks. We hope to have pictures posted soon of the larger bucks we have harvested in the past. Thanks for checking out the website and good luck to you.